How to Apply
Please download our application form here, and return it to us via post or email.
Before applying please read the practical information below.

For the benefit of both the course and the student, the first term is probationary. In the last week of the first term either party (student or the training course) can cancel the training program. If you are accepted as a student after the first term, we will continue to offer you our training programme until your graduation.
In the first term STAT student membership fee will be due. It is currently £56 per year. This fee is only due after you have started the course. The fees cover STAT moderation which takes place in the 6th and 9th term of your training.
The purpose of moderation is to provide an independent and external assessment of a student’s development. The moderator will work with you for 30–60 minutes and give feedback to you and the Head of Training. Moderation is advisory in nature and the moderator has no power to refuse qualification. Qualification is the sole responsibility of the Head of Training. Moderation is not an exam which students either pass or fail.
Moderators are looking, among other things, for the ability of the students to work on themselves and an acknowledgement from the students that the Technique is an on-going process. For 9th term students the Moderator will also be looking for the ability of students to work on themselves whilst working on someone else.
Sharon Higginson is our moderator. For moderation to take place it is necessary that you attend one or more of the days when Sharon is visiting.
The fees per term are £1,500. We will endeavour not to raise the fees once you have started; therefore, we expect the fees will remain £1,500 for the remainder of your training.
We do not run for the training course for profit. Surplus is spent on more teachers, or equipment for the course. As we schedule teachers as much as 6 months in advance it is important that we know how many students are attending. For this reason, if you wish to leave the course, please give written notice at least eight weeks before the end of term. This includes transfer to other training courses. If you wish to transfer you need to ask the training course for the STAT transfer form.
The fees are payable each term in advance. They are due two weeks before the end of each term. Fees are in most cases non-refundable.
A record of attendance is kept by the Studio. You initial the records daily to indicate that you have attended. Please note that extra training may be due if you are absent. Such extra training will be charged pro rata. Qualification is not automatic after 9 terms of attendance. Extra training may be due if the Head of Training (the Director) is of the opinion that a student has not developed the skills necessary to comprehend and practically apply the Technique when looking after his or her own use. Should the Head of Training decide that you need additional training she will, however, communicate this to you as early in your training as possible.